Re: [fw-wiz] CERT vulnerability note VU# 539363 (fwd)

From: Carson Gaspar (carsonat_private)
Date: Thu Oct 17 2002 - 13:35:19 PDT

  • Next message: Ben Nagy: "RE: [fw-wiz] PIX Firewall IP Addresses"

    --On Thursday, October 17, 2002 9:25 AM -0500 Stephen Gill 
    <gillsrat_private> wrote:
    > Hi Carson,
    > State entry lookups don't actually occur in constant time.
    Yes they do, if you have enough memory, and a good enough hash function, 
    such that collisions are low. The paper you mentioned argued that for the 
    hash functions they tried, Khash > log(n)*Ktree, for reasonable values of 
    n. It never said that the hash function time wasn't invariant with n.
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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