RE: [fw-wiz] wanted: Cisco PIX Management Tool

From: Noonan, Wesley (Wesley_Noonanat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 22 2002 - 07:36:36 PDT

  • Next message: Paul Robertson: "Re: [fw-wiz] httport 3snf"

    There are a number of tools that do this (both free and fee). If you check
    the archives, I know that this subject has come up more than once. BMC
    Software makes a PIX Firewall KM (PATROL for Cisco Secure PIX Firewall) that
    does PIX management[1]. I believe that NetIQ also makes something in their
    Webtrends product line that also does PIX management. Not sure if Pentasafe
    has anything... they might be IDS centric.
    Senior QA Rep.
    BMC Software, Inc.
    (713) 918-2412
    [1] I work for BMC Software, however I do not work on the PIX solutions.
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: DocValdeat_private [mailto:DocValdeat_private]
    > Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 08:07
    > To: firewall-wizardsat_private
    > Subject: [fw-wiz] wanted: Cisco PIX Management Tool
    > Hi there,
    > we are running 8 Cisco PIX Firewalls now, with the option to get up to 12
    > more in future. They are all placed at different locations of our
    > Corporate
    > Network, always as a pair of two redundant PIXes.
    > Right now, i know three possibilities to manage them:
    > 1. Command Line Interface
    > 2. Cisco PIX Device Manager
    > 3. Cisco Secure Policy Manager 3.x
    > All three are not really suitable for an efficient management and
    > administration of a distributed firewall solution...:-(
    > We need to get reports, views out of them and need to update the configs.
    > Does anybody know any third-party products for these tasks?
    > All hints welcome, even open-source, all platforms.
    > TIA & best regards,
    > Malte von dem Hagen
    > --
    > DocValde
    > +++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more +++
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