Re: [fw-wiz] httport 3snf

From: Kyle R. Hofmann (krhat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 22 2002 - 21:54:58 PDT

  • Next message: Lorens Kockum: "Re: [fw-wiz] wanted: Cisco PIX Management Tool"

    On Tue, 22 Oct 2002 09:39:19 -0400, "Robert E. Martin" wrote:
    > This is a military School for 8-12 graders.. The key here is disipline. 
    Yes, and discipline works best when people understand why they are
    disciplined.  The usual first response to discipline is "I didn't do
    anything!"  The best way to deal with that is to make sure they know they did
    do something, and the best way to do that is to make the prohibition of that
    something a big event.  Ideally it would be a really big change, but mostly
    it has to be visible.  Then run an advertising campaign for it--post flyers
    around the school, send out mass emails, do a countdown of some sort, etc.
    If your school has a a marquee or other large space for messages, try to see
    if you can get an announcement posted there.
    > Most of the kids here are on some sort of chemical to keep the on the 
    > ground. (doggie downers) As you all are aware of, some of the "users" 
    > come in with enough knowlege to be dangerous so I get a lot of ...."so 
    > how does the network work".....types of pre-adolesent questions. And 
    > then there is always one guy who thinks he is above all this and has GOT 
    > to hack the network. That is what we have here.
    Okay, I'm not sure that this is a good idea, and I wouldn't do it in a
    corporate environment, but I think it's worth throwing out: Why not tell them
    exactly how the network works?  Set up a web page that explains your school's
    network infrastructure (or at least the student part of it), explains which
    machines do what, what software they run, a few details of their
    configuration, and so on.  Make it accessible only from the inside, and
    point the students to it.  Provide hard copies to parents on request.
    The obvious disadvantage is that potential offenders have more information
    to work with.  But there are some advantages, too:
    1) No serious offender can deny that his actions were unknowing.
    2) Minor offenders who'd do only reconnaisance might not do anything.
    3) It educates the students and the administrators.
    4) You look like a good guy.
    I'm still not sure that I'd actually do it, though, but you might consider
    > I think it's the Pied Piper syndrome. That will be the next issue with
    > the parents. "Why can't billy use his AOL mail????"
    "Fishburne Military School is a disciplined institution and does not permit
    its students unsupervised access to potential sources of pornography, fraud,
    copyright violations, and other illegal activities.  For your child's
    safety, Fishburne does not allow email accounts that it cannot monitor."
    Kyle R. Hofmann <krhat_private>
    firewall-wizards mailing list

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