Re: Madereet exploit

From: Daniel Martin (dtmartin24at_private)
Date: Wed Apr 18 2001 - 07:30:07 PDT

  • Next message: Curley Mr Eric P: "non-routable Scan?"

    Daniel Brachmann <9dat_private> writes:
    > sauber is a german word meaning clean and the last sentence of the
    > output would translate into something like "Everything clean my
    > master".
    > It seems that whoever cracked ur box is of german origin
    sauber is actually a fairly widespread tool - it was used, for
    example, by the person who cracked the box the honeynet project put up
    in their forensic challenge (see  I
    wouldn't draw any conclusions from this.
    As for how they got in, check RedHat security advisories for the past
    few months - this was a 6.2 box, correct?  6.2 shipped with several
    insecure services installed by default.

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