Re: Cark & snmpXdmid

From: Shoten (shotenat_private)
Date: Wed Apr 18 2001 - 08:40:08 PDT

  • Next message: Martin Markgraf: "Re: Madereet exploit"

    One thing I am desperately curious about...the four IP addresses listed in
    the anonymously-provided information.  I'm wondering if it's the same four
    or if someone has a distributed network in place for the purpose of building
    other distributed networks.  Also, how closely-tied are the four events in
    terms of time...
    > As was noted earlier the Cark DDoS agent is spreading via snmpXdmid:
    > Solaris snmpXdmid Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
    > So obviously, there is an exploit in the wild for the this and it's
    > getting a fair bit of play - does anyone have a packet capture if this in
    > action or perhaps an actual exploit?

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