Re: attachment; filename="photo1.jpg.pif"

From: Portnoy, Gary (gportnoyat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 24 2001 - 09:38:39 PDT

  • Next message: Kevin Jackson: "Re: Increase in Sun RPC Scans"

    Here is what the text says, loosely translated:
    I got your email address from a common friend (your was the first address he
    thought of).  I just got on the internet for the first time and just got
    this email address.  I am writing my first email!  My friend told me that if
    I have any questions, I could ask you.  I am cute and friendly (look at the
    photo attached).  I'll be waiting for a response from you.  Write me a
    little info about yourself and what more you want to know about me.  Bye-bye
    :))))))) "
    My guess, if the file is not a virus, that this is some kind of a mail-order
    bride rig, or an attempt to get you to reveal info about yourself.  Maybe if
    you carry on some sort of conversation with her, she'd ask you for CC # or
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Dzzie Z [mailto:dzzieat_private]
    Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 2:39 AM
    To: INCIDENTSat_private
    Subject: attachment; filename="photo1.jpg.pif"
    hey guys
    today I got a this mail and was wondering if anyone else
    on the lists here have gotten a similar one.
    I dont have the font installed for the (presumably)
    russian txt but I find it pretty unlikely that a plain ole
    spammer would be using tricks like "photo1.jpg.pif"
    i peeked at the unencoded binary (60k) file, and the headers
    definatly dont look like any of the other pif file on my
    system, and they dont quite look like a c++ file either.
    I dunno. glad for text only mailers though : )
    anyone else seen this m/o ?
    contact me off list if you want
    the mimed file.
    +OK 87078 octets
    X-Apparently-To: dzzieat_private via web11102
    X-Track: 10: 40
    Received: from  (EHLO (
      by with SMTP; 23 Apr 2001 22:11:39 -0700 (PDT)
    Received: from [] (
    	by with smtp (Exim 3.14 #3)
    	id 14rv68-000EK9-00
    	for dzzieat_private; Tue, 24 Apr 2001 09:10:49 +0400
    Received: from (
    	by (8.11.1/8.11.1) with ESMTP
    From: Света Ковалева <bipwdkrat_private>
    X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.42f)
    X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
    To: <dzzieat_private>
    Subject: Привет!!!
    Mime-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----------6D16C1DFC68B15F"
    Message-Id: <E14rv68-000EK9-00at_private>
    Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 09:10:49 +0400
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=koi8-r
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
    Твой  адрес мне дал один наш общий друг ( первый адрес , который ему пришел
    в голову).
    Я недавно в интернете и только что получила этот почтовый ящик!
    Так что я первый раз пишу электронное письмо!!!
    Он сказал что если у меня возникнут вопросы, то я могу спрашивать у тебя...
    Я довольно симпатичная и общительная.
    (можешь на фото посмотреть)
    Жду ответа от тебя!!!
    Напиши немного себе и то что ты хочешь знать обо мне.
    Пока! Пока!
    Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="photo1.jpg.pif"
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
    Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="photo1.jpg.pif"

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue Apr 24 2001 - 09:53:54 PDT