Hello, Recently, I got scanned by on port 35817. It looks like the entire netblock got scanned, at a rate of just over 2 seconds per /24 network. I didn't manage to get a packet capture of this scan, but I am most curious because I am not aware of any service that runs on this port, nor of any exploit that binds a shell to this port. Here is an example of the scan, time in EST (GMT-5): Date Time Proto Source Destination Action 24Apr2001 13:02:24 tcp 64.55.x.y:35817 drop 24Apr2001 13:02:24 tcp 64.55.x.y:35817 drop .... 25Apr2001 23:11:56 tcp 64.241.x.y:35817 drop 25Apr2001 23:11:56 tcp 64.241.x.y:35817 drop .... 25Apr2001 23:31:34 tcp 64.242.x.y:35817 drop 25Apr2001 23:31:34 tcp 64.242.x.y:35817 drop Can someone confirm/correlate? Does anyone know what's going on? Gary Portnoy Network Administrator gportnoyat_private PGP Fingerprint: 9D69 6A39 642D 78FD 207C 307D B37D E01A 2E89 9D2C
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