Re: High load average and much suspicion

From: Cooper (Cooper@LINUX-FAN.COM)
Date: Sat Apr 28 2001 - 16:21:33 PDT

  • Next message: Jeff Nieusma: "Re: Backdoor scans ?"

    Kyle Hofmann wrote:
    > Hi,
    > My roommate and I run a Redhat 6.2 server.  Wednesday, at about fifteen
    > minutes past midnight, our load average went from its usual 0.something to
    > nearly 30, and stayed this way for about ten minutes.  By the time we got
    > top running, the offending process or processes had terminated.
    This could very well be the result of someone trying the
    "../*/../*/../*" DoS attack on a network service like for instance an
    FTP deamon.
    Many FTP servers like to use the shell to get the directory listing.
    When you request "../*/..etc" as a listing, the shell tries FRANTICALLY
    to expand the options. If the line was long enough, the machine gags and
    dies. If you've got logging of all commands, there's a good chance you
    should have evidence of this in your FTP logs. The reason for not seeing
    anything afterwards is probably because the ftp server, the offending
    process, died when the listing failed or supplied the by now HUGE
    listing to the requesting client.
    I want a patriot missile.
    I pay taxes, why can't I have one?
    	- Denis Leary, Cheese Helmet -

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