Re: Backdoor Q access?

From: Joe Matusiewicz (joemat_private)
Date: Fri May 04 2001 - 06:54:58 PDT

  • Next message: Shaun Dewberry: "IIS 5, WIN2K scans?"

    At 11:40 PM 5/2/01, Patrick Cheong Shu Yang wrote:
    >I have also seen the same potential intrusion from our Snort logs as
    >11:05:18.603917 > R 0:3(3) ack
    >0 win 0
    >0x0000   4500 002b 0000 0000 0e06 1900 ffff ffff        E..+............
    >0x0010   cab9 c914 7a69 0203 0000 0000 0000 0000        ....zi..........
    >0x0020   5014 0000 cd27 0000 636b 6f00 0000             P....'..cko...
    >Anyone else seen this and can anyone explain what this is?!?!
    I've seen one per day over the past week.  Same elite source port.  About
    20 packets over an eight hour period (as if it's trying to evade
    detection).  It's way too slow to be a DOS attack and any responses from a
    listening lpr would never get back to the spoofer.  I have no explanation
    for it.
    -- Joe

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