Suspect e-mail from bfrazzonat_private

From: Yotam Rubin (yotamat_private)
Date: Tue May 08 2001 - 13:56:04 PDT

  • Next message: Ryan Russell: "Re: Suspect e-mail from bfrazzonat_private"

    Gentle people,
    	I have recently received a highly dubious e-mail from
    bfrazzonat_private The subject of the letter was "damaged. For more".
    Attached to the letter was a file named EDCREGC.EXE whose mime type was
    image/gif. Below is the content of the discussed message:
    "        If you have a Plug-and-Play monitor:Check if the Windows 95 Monitor
    option button is selected and that Plug and Play Monitor (VESA DDC) appears
    immediately under it. If so, the MGA display driver automatically uses the
    correct settings for your monitor. If not, use Windows 95 monitor selection to
    use your monitor's default settings (see "Windows95 monitor selection"). "
    I have posted the entire message including headers at:
    You may find the attached binary at:
    	Another fact of interest is that the recipient's (me) non-local address
    portion was capitalized. Assuming that he used an address harvester, the
    form of the collected address is probably identical to the recipient's address
    in this particular message. The only public place where my address is partially
    capitalized is the list archive of the incidents mailing list.
    I am fairly sure this is not how his software normally behaves, because
    other addresses in the letter were not capitalized in the same manner, as
    opposed to messages originating at
    	Also note how the binary's mime type is set to image/gif.
    I do not know how Outlook handles this but the sender probably wanted to
    achieve one of two things:
     o Deceive the recipient into thinking that the attachment is a picture,
       thus coaxing him to open the curious file.
     o Perhaps he wanted Outlook to open the attachment automatically.
       I know that outlook renders certain mime-types on the fly, so maybe
       by opening the message the attachment is executed.
    Enlightenments regarding this letter are highly solicited.
    	Best Regards, Yotam Rubin

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue May 08 2001 - 14:02:43 PDT