Re: Reallyl fouled up scans from

From: Daniel Martin (dtmartin24at_private)
Date: Wed May 23 2001 - 07:13:09 PDT

  • Next message: Daniel CHIRITA: "RE: Reallyl fouled up scans from"

    "Joshua J. Kugler" <isdat_private> writes:
    > A lot of the requests are good, it looks like he was trying to traverse the 
    > tree.  Every now and then, there are requests of the form:
    > /~EgggNoggg/Testing/?D=A
    > Is the ?D=A testing for some hole?
    No, it's just following a link that Apache's standard directory list
    generates - if you go to
    and follow one of the "Name", "Size" or other column headings' links,
    you'll get a URL that looks like that.
    > Here are some other odd ones
    > - - [11/May/2001:11:33:06 -0800] 
    > "GET/~havolina/%20%20%20%20%20%20%20 
    > HTTP/1.0" 404 386 "-" "Mozilla 4.0 (compatible; HttpTool/0.1)"
    Nothing odd here except that the referring page - - has a bad link.  Way to
    go WYSIWYG editors...
    The other URLs you cite are all Apache-generated directory sort links.
    And a bit of searching solves the question of where the long recursive
    URL seems to come from.  If you go to and
    _don't_ have a password for the site, you get a page that, among other
    things, includes this down at the bottom:
    <A href="stugov/">About ASUAF</A> |
    Now, following that link will attempt to access - again, without a password you get
    the same "please give us a password" page.  And again, down at the
    bottom you have the HTML fragment:
    <A href="stugov/">About ASUAF</A>
    Which when followed will attempt to access and so forth.
    There are at least two ways I can see of avoiding this.  One is to
    have the links at the bottom of the page all start with /'s - so that
    the HTML fragment above becomes
    <A href="/stugov/">About ASUAF</A>
    Another is to include a BASE tag in the "please enter your password"
    page, for example:
    <BASE href="">
    I will note that another way that happens to work in this case is to
    leave off the trailing slash from "stugov", but that feels a bit too
    hackish.  (I've always been touchy about leaving that trailing slash
    on there; sure, Apache and IIS always issue redirects from
    http://somewhere/something/subdir to
    http://somewhere/something/subdir/ but not every server necessarily
    behaves that way - blame my early experience with OSU's VMS-based

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