RE: ISP Filtering (Survey of Sorts)

From: Booth, David CWT-MSP (dboothat_private)
Date: Fri Jun 01 2001 - 06:43:24 PDT

  • Next message: Christian Schwalm: "Re: ISP Filtering (Survey of Sorts)"

    Dont know about the corporate side because I dont manage the internet
    gateways here and therefore dont have any info on what policies and
    practices were agreed with our service providers. On the personal ISP side I
    have to say that I've been very favourably impressed with Minneapolis-based
    Vector ( No RFC1918 addresses have ever appeared on my firewalls
    external interface and on the one occasion where I got hit by a DoS (some
    scriptkiddie decided he didnt want me on IRC since I'd tracked down too many
    of his rooted boxes and got the admins to clean them up) they had a filter
    in place to block it within minutes. All in all I can recommend them without
    hesitation to any customer in the Twin Cities area simply because they do
    seem to be doing it right security-wise.
    Dave Booth CWT-MSP
    | Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem    |
    | mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane   |
    | mittam.                                  |

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