RE: ICMP Parameter Problem packets to random addresses

From: Fernando Cardoso (fernando.cardosoat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 19 2001 - 02:10:00 PDT

  • Next message: Nicolas Gregoire: "SYN FIN Scan with src port == dst port"

    > Greetings All
    > 		Periodically, over the last few months, I have been
    > seeing bursts of ICMP Parameter Problem (type 12, code 0) like those
    > below that were picked up by snort today:
    > Jun 19 10:01:34 takahe snort[64968]: PING-ICMP Parameter Problem:
    > ->
    > I have been assuming that this traffic is a fall out from a DoS
    > lauched against (or some host behind it if it is a
    > router).  One thing that might cause this is ICMP packets that set
    > random values to type and code fields in a flood attack.  I seem to
    > remember that one of the common DoS Tools does just that.
    > Any other thoughts?
    I agree with your assumptions, but I don't recall any common DoS tool that
    can cause that sort of behaviour. There's an obscure(?) DoS exploit for
    Linux 2.2.x Kernel that works by flooding a box with ICMP random stuff.
    Here's part of the relevant code:
    	    icmph.iph.daddr = addrs.sin_addr.s_addr;
    	    icmph.iph.frag_off = htons(0);
    	    icmph.icp.icmp_type = random() % 14;
    	    icmph.icp.icmp_code = random() % 10;
    	    icmph.icp.icmp_cksum = 0;
    	    icmph.icp.icmp_id = 2650;
    	    icmph.icp.icmp_seq = random() % 255;
    	    icmph.icp.icmp_cksum = in_cksum((int *)&icmph.icp, 1024);
    If you are using -d option on snort you can check for what type of
    pointer-error ICMP is giving.
    Fernando Cardoso - Security Consultant       WhatEverNet Computing, S.A.
    Phone : +351 21 7994200                      Praca de Alvalade, 6 - Piso 6
    Fax   : +351 21 7994242                      1700-036 Lisboa - Portugal
    email : fernando.cardosoat_private
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