Another AOL trick

From: Meritt James (meritt_jamesat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 21 2001 - 08:25:14 PDT

  • Next message: Justin Lintz: "RE: Another AOL trick"

    I've received two mailings at my AOL account requesting credit card
    numbers and directing users to a web page that APPEARS (good use of
    graphics,...) to be an AOL web page.  An investigation of the web page 
    source code reveals that the information is emailed to Hotmail email
    Hard to avoid someone who is an AOL member, paranoid, and technically
    capable of reading email header information (track the spoof) and web
    page source (using POST to collect the data...)
    AOL said "We didn't do it, would NEVER do it" and is trying to get them
    Thought you would like to know...
    James W. Meritt, CISSP, CISA
    Booz, Allen & Hamilton
    phone: (410) 684-6566

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