RE: CRv2 - Questions

From: The Death (thedeadhat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 23 2001 - 08:01:35 PDT

  • Next message: L. Christopher Paul: "Re: Code Red packet dumps."

    Hello there.
    > IPv4 has 32 bit address space, and 2^32 == 4294967296. So there
    > are no more than 2^32 IPs and no need to have a PRNG to output
    > more - but the order of this 2^32 numbers plays a role. AFAIK the
    > first version produced the same order. This is not a PRNG but a
    > chain generator with the same output on every infected host.
    You are right, i did not notice that the total number is covering the entire
    possible 32-bit positions (therefore, all IPs). In any case, this IS
    considered a PRNG, it is just that the seeding configurations (using static
    seeds and not random seeds) break the security, and bring it to a level of a
    simple, known, list.
    Thanx for pointing that out, anyway.
    	The Death
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