Been a pet theory of mine all this time (CodeRed)

From: Richard (castilleat_private)
Date: Thu Aug 02 2001 - 11:34:22 PDT

  • Next message: Jonathan A. Zdziarski: "AOL hackings"

    I think that a lot of script-kiddies are simply taking advantage of the
    media-hype over CodeRed to sort of 'mask' their motions. It seems that we've
    (as in, network engineers / admins / monitors) have been seeing a lot of
    scans that just aren't part of the original codered modus operandi. I also
    think this is why we've been seeing a lot more 'combo' scans. In the hopes
    people will just wave away the attempts under the CodeRed insignia.
    Granted, this is just personal conjecture, but it's seeming to hold more
    ground with more and more people reporting this 'weird activity' on their
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