snort signature for new CodeRed varient

From: J Moll (
Date: Sat Aug 04 2001 - 23:21:11 PDT

  • Next message: Marc Maiffret: "CodeRedII - New non-variant codered worm - Analysis."

    I'm using this Snort signature to distinguish between the original and recent 
    varient of CodeRed.  I'm sure it can be optimized -- grabbed a bit of the 
    binary around the text "CodeRedII" in the packet to cut down on false 
    alarms.. putting it out so folks can log the differences.
    alert tcp any any -> any 80 (msg: "CodeRedII Overflow"; flags: A+; content: 
    "|46309a02 0000e80a 00000043 6f646552 65644949 008b1c24
    ff55d866 0bc00f95|"; depth:624;)
    Best Regards,
    Joe Moll
    Joseph L. Moll, CISSP -- jmollat_private
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