Conclusion for the dirrent Code Red URL's....

From: Daniel Mostertman (securityfocusat_private)
Date: Sun Aug 05 2001 - 01:33:06 PDT

  • Next message: David Brown: "Re: snort signature for new CodeRed varient"

    Hi all,
    My conclusion, is that, dispite the fact that the X's and O's only turned up 
    a couple of days ago, that the inventor thought that we were going to be 
    patched for the N's, and not for the X's or O's or any other character.
    My suggestion is that he kept that in mind, and set a timer (I guess August 
    1st), to deploy these activities, and that it's not a new variant, but the 
    same, existing, first one.
    Any good reason why I shouldn't think that?
    // Daniel Mostertman
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