RE: CodeRedII - New non-variant codered worm - Analysis.

From: Josh Ballard (jballardat_private)
Date: Sun Aug 05 2001 - 15:42:58 PDT

  • Next message: A.L.Lambert: "Re: CodeRedII worm.."

    Yes, they truly should have said that it was unlike the 
    previous codered in the fact that it could only 
    compromise 2k systems.  CRv1 can compromise 
    both, and CRv2 can only compromise 2k.  Both 
    systems fall for the exact same exploit, but the 
    difference is in the payload.  There is something in 
    the payload that is incompatible with NT, and thus will 
    just cause the IIS in NT to restart.  I don't have the 
    data in front of me, but I remember seing this and it 
    made sense as to what it was at the time...  That's 
    just what I've seen and read anyway.  
    Josh Ballard Linux Firewall Center
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