Code Red honeypot + SMTP logger/alerter

From: Chad Loder (cloderat_private)
Date: Sun Aug 05 2001 - 21:20:57 PDT

  • Next message: randy: "Re: CR vs. CoreBuilder"

    Hi. I've written tool in Java which does the
      - listens on port 80 for incoming Code Red
      - detects the Code Red attack signature and
        logs the attacker's IP, the attack URL, and
        the timestamp
      - periodically (every 100 requests or every 30
        minutes, which ever comes first) sends the
        logs via SMTP to the email address(es) of your
    This is for those daring/curious people who aren't
    running a web server (or Snort) already, who feel
    like poking port 80/tcp open in their firewall and
    forwarding it to a machine running this honeypot.
    I've done this on my cable modem and I'm logging about
    3 attacks per minute on a single IP address.
    I have my program configured to send mail to the
    ARIS email address <aris-reportat_private>.
    The log format is compatible with the SecurityFocus
    ARIS email notification format (
    ), but the source code I've attached does not send email to
    the ARIS email address by default (check with ARIS first,
    then uncomment the ARIS recipient line in the source code).
    You can use this to send logs to your ISP, to yourself,
    to ARIS, to (see program comments) or what
    have you.
    You need to change at least two lines in the source code:
    these are the lines which specify your email address and
    you SMTP server. If you want to add additional email
    recipients, it's a trivial change to the source code.
    The Java source file is attached to this email. It
    should be safe to open .java source files by default,
    but if you're wary of this sort of thing, let me know
    and I'll paste the source code into a new message.
      Chad Loder
      Rapid 7, Inc.
      Visit for the next generation of security products

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