RE: DHCP, ARP, oh my Anyone know of an exploit that dupes ARP on wind ows 95?

From: Joseph Spears (Joseph.Spearsat_private)
Date: Thu Aug 09 2001 - 15:39:46 PDT

  • Next message: Michael Katz: "RE: Possible way to avoid unknown IIS vulnerabilities"

    never seen it on a windows box before, but it would be trivial to do so on
    may unix hosts that allow MACs to be altered with ifconfig....
    For instance, in redhat, it would be a simple case of writing a perl or
    shell script that did (assuming DHCP is already configured for the machine
    in the first place)
    $mac = "00:00:00:00:00:00";
    $remainingAddys = true;
    while ($remainingAddys) {
      system ("ifconfig eth0 hw $mac");
      system ("ifdown eth0");
      system ("ifup eth0");
      $remainingAddys = createNewMac($mac);
    You would have to write the routing that makes $mac get updated and return
    whether there are any more mac addresses....
    I don't know how you could prevent this though!!! I am sure that using
    etherpeek, you could find the machine rather quickly. (at least after if
    stomped you a couple of times). If the person is malicious, you would prove
    it is them. If the box is compromised, you would reinstall and smack the
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Reeves, Michael (GEAE, Compaq) [mailto:michael.reevesat_private]
    Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 6:29 AM
    To: 'incidentsat_private'
    Subject: DHCP, ARP, oh my Anyone know of an exploit that dupes ARP on
    wind ows 95?
    Yesterday we had a machine that caused a nasty ARP storm and started
    snagging DHCP addresses as fast as it could (stealing addresses). It was
    ARPing as if it were every machine on the network. It was a windows 95 box
    and was immediately pulled off of the network. Once the machine was rebooted
    it stopped. Doing a quick onceover on the machine and looking through the
    registry I didn't see anything that seemed suspect. I have seen bad NICs
    cause broadcast storms but this is a first for me. If anyone knows of any
    exploits or seen anything like this as a hardware failure could ya let me
    Mike Reeves
    Security Administrator
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