RE: FW: Wierd .ida request? What is it?

From: Can Erkin Acar (canacarat_private)
Date: Mon Sep 03 2001 - 18:47:00 PDT

  • Next message: Hill, James: "Question"

    A few possibilities come to mind:
    1. your IP address changed recently (dialup perhaps?)
       and the response was intended for the previous owner
       of that ip (it is possible that the response is not
       realtime, but sent after analyzing the logs periodically)
    2. Remote side is scanning, and masking the scan by
       making you think that it is a codered response
    3. Your machine _is_ scanning, hacked perhaps, or
       a legitimate user tried some script (I am sure
       there are scripts that exploit the vulnerability
       by now)
    On 3 Sep 2001 at 18:23, red0x wrote:
    > That's the weird thing, I don't have code red, its linux and apache..  so
    > wtf?
    --=< Can Erkin Acar (canacarat_private) >=--
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