Re: Guess the tool...

From: Paul Gear (paulgearat_private)
Date: Tue Sep 11 2001 - 12:27:09 PDT

  • Next message: Rich Puhek: "Terroristic attacks today"

    "Portnoy, Gary" wrote:
    > Greetings,
    > Can anyone tell me which Windows tool is used to scan for ports 139, 12345,
    > and 27374.  (Example below) This occurs often enough that it makes me think
    > that it's a tool, I just can't find any mention of it anywhere...
    The information i have seen indicates that 12345 is a port normally
    used by Netbus, a Windows trojan horse
    <>.  I had someone
    (on the same cable segment as me) scanning me for the Netbus port 72
    times in 10 days.  Dunno what he thought he could achieve by repeating
    so often.
    I believe port 27374 can be used by a number of things, including the
    Sub-7 Windows trojan horse
    and the Linux Ramen worm
    I expect what you've got is a script that is scanning for
    previously-compromised systems.
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