Nimda mostly infects /8-locally.

From: Thomas Roessler (
Date: Tue Sep 18 2001 - 17:09:31 PDT

  • Next message: Michael H. Warfield: "Re: Concept Virus(CV) V.5 - Quick analysis update"

    It seems that Nimda has some strong locality properties 
    when spreading.  
    Evaluating logs on a server which listens on an obscene number of 
    virtual network interfaces with consecutive IP addresses, all in the 
    same /24, I'm seeing the following distribution of "classical" 
    netmasks (/n*8) with respect to the attacking hosts (unique IP 
    addresses encountered in the logs):
    	/16	 1
    	/8    1127
    	/0     242
    I don't see any /24s, but that's because there are no vulnerable 
    hosts in that particular class C network.
    This means, in particular, that the probability for Nimda to attack 
    a host in the same /8 portion of the IP address space is 
    approximately 5 times the probability to attack a host which is in 
    some entirely "distant" region of the network.
    It also seems like there is no special handling of /16 networks in 
    the worm: Out of the 215 distinct /16 prefixes encountered (which 
    do, however, still share the same /8 prefix with the attacked host's 
    IP addresses), 36 make an appearance with only one unique IP address 
    in my logs.  The /16 prefix of the attacked host just happens to be 
    one of these.
    Thomas Roessler              
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