RE: Nimda versus ISP responsibility

From: John Campbell (jcampbellat_private)
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 10:53:35 PDT

  • Next message: Chip McClure: "Re: Nimda versus ISP responsibility"

    I have begun advocating in favor of 'progressive discipline' for ISP
    customers harboring infections- first, notification; second, a 'time-out';
    third, disconnect.  Basically we need to look at this as quarantining
    infected sites so they don't spread the germs and put larger portions of the
    net populace at risk.
    John Campbell
    Security Engineer
    Washington School Information Processing Cooperative (WSIPC)
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Luc Pardon [mailto:lucpat_private]
    Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2001 9:50 AM
    To: incidentsat_private
    Subject: Nimda versus ISP responsibility
       I'd like the opinion of the list on the attitude of ISP's versus
    worms. It is clear that we're going to see more of this.
      I think we all agree that connecting an unpatched IIS machine to the
    open Internet is acting irresponsibly. Most AUP's already prohibit
    spamming, port scanning etc. (at least on paper). Why not include
    "infection through negligence" as a reason for suspension? Maybe with a
    reasonable grace period the first time. 
      Problem is that one ISP can't go it alone. If they pull the plug, they
    may loose the customer to a less responsible competitor.
      Unlike spammers, most worm victims are "offending" out of ignorance.
    Such a provision in the AUP would likely get their attention and maybe
    cause a mind shift towards "Unpatched Is Bad (tm)".
      What do you all think ?
      Luc Pardon
      Skopos Consulting
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