RE: Nimda versus ISP responsibility

From: ahowardat_private
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 14:10:50 PDT

  • Next message: robertmat_private: "Re: Nimda versus ISP responsibility"

    Hash: SHA1
    MMorellat_private wrote:
    > Now, the question posed is, Should the ISP's be responsible 
    > for policing hosts on their networks.
    > The answer is clearly No.   This goes against everything the 
    > net stands for.
    I think there is a mid-ground wherein all ISPs are responsible
    for both ingress and egress filtering of all traffic on their
    network to ensure it is valid traffic (e.g.., making sure that 
    customer A cannot inject traffic into the network with a source
    IP that doesn't belong to them...nearly eliminating spoofing) 
    but stopping short of scanning payloads of packets.
    Additionally, ISPs should allow customers to choose filtered
    connections if they wish.  Customers should be able to work
    with ISPs to create traffic shaping rules as to what is and
    is not OK on the pipe they are paying for.
    Of course, individuals should be responsible for their own 
    servers but if they are not, ISPs should be allowed to bill 
    them for the extra bandwidth they're wasting and labor they're
    causing the ISP to expend to deal with their negligence.
    > If they refuse to do anything about it or to reply back and I 
    > still see activity.  I will either block that host or subnet 
    > if necessary.
    But if you block it at your edge router, it still wastes the
    bandwidth coming to you from your ISP.  You should not have to
    pay for viruses that waste your bandwidth.  An ISP should honor
    requests of its customers to insert egress filters into their
    edge routers so your router will never see the traffic.
    Aaron P. Howard
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