Re: Syn packets hitting port 80, not webserver

From: Matthew Leeds (mleedsat_private)
Date: Fri Sep 28 2001 - 12:17:34 PDT

  • Next message: Xno Xutz: "re: Syn packets hitting port 80, not webserver"

    Uh, appears to be infected with Nimda. If it quacks like a duck...
    *********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
    On 9/28/2001 at 1:23 PM Neil Dickey wrote:
    >I have a puzzle I'm hoping some of you can help me with.  One of
    >my machines, which is not configured as a web server ( port 80 is
    >blocked ), has been getting hit with SYN packets directed to that
    >port literally from all over the world.  Since about midday last
    >Monday, Sept. 24,  when I rolled over my log, they have been coming
    >in at the rate of one every few minutes to a total as I write of
    >approximately 1700.  None of my other machines is receiving traffic
    >of this sort.
    >Commonly the maximum number of hits from a single IP address is
    >four, though one site I saw went as high as nine.  Most hit twice
    >and subside.
    >Here is a representative example of one of the packets, taken with
    >09:39:07.148532 > mercury.80: S [tcp sum ok]
    >       263101219:263101219(0) win 8192 <mss 1380> (DF) (ttl 106,
    >       id 39171, len 44)
    >0x0000         4500 002c 9903 4000 6a06 b6eb 41c5 f378       
    >0x0010         839c 0803 09fd 0050 0fae 9b23 0000 0000       
    >0x0020         6002 2000 027b 0000 0204 0564 0000            
    >I had tcpdump listen to all inbound traffic to port 80, and this
    >sort of thing is all it saw.
    >So, it isn't CodeRed(X) or Nimda.  This machine saw lots of hits,
    >as did the others, during the outbreaks of these worms, but SYN
    >traffic directed at this machine continues.
    >Does anyone have any ideas why this might be?
    >Best regards,
    >Neil Dickey, Ph.D.
    >Research Associate/Sysop
    >Geology Department
    >Northern Illinois University
    >DeKalb, Illinois
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