Re: new trojan?

From: Johannes Verelst (johannesat_private)
Date: Wed Nov 21 2001 - 10:01:23 PST

  • Next message: Aaron: "Re: Questions"

    On Wed, 21 Nov 2001, Tom Fischer wrote:
    > Hi List,
    > yesterday I mentioned activites on my Port 1214. Today the activites grown.
    > We're now about 50.000 requests for yesterday, and today at 20.000. They came
    > from different IP's. Searched on some Trojan List but found nothing.
    1214 == KaZaa (more exactly: it's FastTrack, there are more programs than
    just KaZaa that use the FT stack).
    I think I know where these scans are coming from. FT is a closed protocol
    and a bunch of people started an open-source project called 'giFT'. This
    project allowed linux (and other unsupported OS-es) users to connect to
    the FT network. FT then changed the protocol, effectively blocking the
    giFT clients.
    A few weeks ago, somebody announced a 'KaZaa scanner' program called
    'ShadowFT', it scans random IP's to look for inividuals that run KaZaa.
    The original FT network has 'supernodes' and 'nodes', the giFT program
    could connect to a supernode and search it, and download from nodes. Since
    connecting to supernodes is impossible, the ShadowFT program tries to find
    KaZaa nodes and index them itself.
    More info:
    /===================================\ /====================================\
    | Johannes Verelst                   | Email: johannesat_private         |
    | Web:        | IRC: / Gullie  |
    +===================================/ \====================================+
    |"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build |
    |bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce|
    |bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."               |
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