Know Your Enemy: Honeynets

From: Lance Spitzner (lanceat_private)
Date: Tue Dec 11 2001 - 05:56:58 PST

  • Next message: Tim Brown: "Port 111 Traffic"

    The Honeynet Project is excited to announce a highly
    updated version of the paper "Know Your Enemy: Honeynets".
    This paper describes what a Honeynet is, its value, how
    it works, and the issues/risks invovled.
    The Project has spent two months updating the paper to
    include new technologies, documentation, configuration
    files, and legal issues.  The updated paper includes the
     - Honeynet Definitions, Requirements, and Standards doc
     - Updated configuration files
     - Data Collection
     - GenII (2nd generation) technologies
     - Virtual Honeynets
     - Legal Issues
    We recommend that individuals or organizations interested in
    Honeynet technologies review the updated documentation.
    Lance Spitzner
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