RE: Internal Machine making many attempts to connect to Internet on 137

From: Robert Graham (list-focus-incidentsat_private)
Date: Tue Dec 11 2001 - 16:56:15 PST

  • Next message: jon schatz: "RE: Voluminous SSHd scanning; possible worm activity?"

    >I wouldn't be so quick to cry foul.  The connections to port 137 seem to be
    >just regular NetBios name requests.  Windows tries to figure out what is the
    >name of the machine on the other end of some connection, and failing to find
    >it in DNS, it does a NetBios lookup.  
    You might want to read my writeup on netbios:
    A good bet is that the server is Windows based, and is either resolving
    addresses in real-time, or posting processing logfiles. It might
    be the line:
    168   MHSS           ->  80    TCP   D:\STATISTICSSERVER\MHSS.EXE  
    Which is probably doing all the reverse resolutions.
    Note that you've got the Compaq process running:
    216   Surveyor       ->  2301  TCP   C:\compaq\survey\Surveyor.EXE 
    Very bad -- wide open root exploit on this service.
    You've also got SNMP running. Likewise bad.
    I'm assuming these process 2301 and 161 are firewalled :-)
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