sshd brake-in attempts

From: Emil Popov (emoat_private)
Date: Thu Dec 20 2001 - 03:18:31 PST

  • Next message: Emil Popov: "Re: FTP scans from"

    Hi'ya guys,
    I have been seeing some strange entries in my authlog
    and I'm pretty sure these are ssh brake-in attempts.
    As far as i understand the issue, those attempts did not
    result in a system compromise, but anyway I really need
    your advice on this.
    ds% uname -a
    OpenBSD ds 2.8 GENERIC#399 i386
    ds% sshd -v
    sshd: illegal option -- v
    sshd version OpenSSH_2.3.0
    BTW. only protocol version 2 is allowed.
    Log Entries:
    sshd[10858]: Connection from port 2273
    sshd[10858]: Did not receive ident string from
    sshd[12075]: Connection from port 2520
    sshd[12075]: Did not receive ident string from
    sshd[14033]: Connection from port 4309
    sshd[14033]: Did not receive ident string from
    And, there is no "Enabling compatibility mode for version 2" message
    which is generated whenever I log in, so those clients seem to be trying
    to login with protocol ver. 1.
    There is one more strange thing, that i started seeng roughly when
    the sshd fuss came out:
    sshd[25774]: Received disconnect: 11: All open channels closed
    Would someone explain what exactly this message means?
    Oh, and BTW. those IP's are outside my country and no trusted
    user has ever connected from them.
    Thants about all I have to say :)
    Any thoughts/flames/suggestions/ideas ?
    P.S. Please don't go into "Reinstalling everything is your only way out"
    It may be so, but please back your self up
    Thanks in advance
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