port 9274?

From: John Kinsella (jlkat_private)
Date: Fri Dec 28 2001 - 08:57:45 PST

  • Next message: Royans Tharakan: "RE: port 9274?"

    Anybody got an idea of what this might be?  I've seen it on a few of my
    IDS sensors this morning:
    [**] [104:1:1] spp_anomsensor: Anomaly threshold exceeded: 4.3400 [**]
    12/28-08:06:06.702394 XXX.XXX.X.XX:4513 -> XXX.XX.XXX.XXX:9274
    TCP TTL:115 TOS:0x0 ID:14182 IpLen:20 DgmLen:48 DF
    ******S* Seq: 0x201AC3D4  Ack: 0x0  Win: 0x2238  TcpLen: 28
    TCP Options (4) => MSS: 1460 NOP NOP SackOK
    [**] [104:1:1] spp_anomsensor: Anomaly threshold exceeded: 4.2908 [**]
    12/28-08:06:09.511201 XXX.XXX.X.XX:4513 -> XXX.XX.XXX.XXX:9274
    TCP TTL:115 TOS:0x0 ID:14500 IpLen:20 DgmLen:48 DF
    ******S* Seq: 0x201AC3D4  Ack: 0x0  Win: 0x2238  TcpLen: 28
    TCP Options (4) => MSS: 1460 NOP NOP SackOK
    Quick look around the various sites doesn't seem to indicate much
    knowledge about a service running on 9274.  Source port seems to change
    for each destination IP, and probes each IP twice about 3 seconds apart.
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