Re: DDoS attack.

From: Neil Dickey (neilat_private)
Date: Fri Jan 25 2002 - 11:14:48 PST

  • Next message: Daniel F. Chief Security Engineer -: "Re: DDoS attack."

    "Daniel F. Chief Security Engineer -" <danielfat_private>
    >Im looking for help tracing this attack down. Its coming from my network with 
    >spoofed IPs to IP which is not on my network so its and 
    >outbound attack. Also none of the source IPs are on my network. 
    I'm no expert, but ...
    Can you configure your IDS to pick up the card address of the source, or
    would that only give you an internal router?  Even that might help, I
    suppose.  You could then move inside that router's space, do it again,
    and continue until you had narrowed the suspects to a manageable number.
    I don't envy you your challenge!
    Best regards,
    Neil Dickey, Ph.D.
    Research Associate/Sysop
    Geology Department
    Northern Illinois University
    DeKalb, Illinois
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