Re: nimda like probes

From: Russell Fulton (R.FULTONat_private)
Date: Mon Feb 04 2002 - 19:14:53 PST

  • Next message: raymond simon: "We Are Past Your Firewall..."

    Greetings All,
    Earlier I posted details of a series of attacks that hit every IIS
    server on campus that was visible to the Internet over night. 
    I lso suggested that this might be a prototype for a flash type worm.
    No one else admits to seeing any thing similar so I conclude that this
    was most likely a simple scripted attack fed with a list of IPs that was
    gained by a previous reconnaissance scans.  I.e. nothing out of the
    ordinary. (The timing between attacks and the behaviour of the source
    port numbers suggest a simple sequential script).
    While looking over the evidence this morning it occurred to me that this
    is what an attack from a flash worm might look like.  Assuming that the
    worm starts off with a list of all IIS servers (or whatever the target
    is) on the Net and simply starts scanning sequentially through its list
    and that it splits its list with any children then all any individual
    site would see is a sequential attack against its systems from a single
    IP.  So I decided to check and see if anyone else had observed this sort
    of activity.
    Russell Fulton, Computer and Network Security Officer
    The University of Auckland,  New Zealand
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