More Solaris snmpdx syslog data

From: Tina Bird (tbirdat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 15 2002 - 15:07:37 PST

  • Next message: Jay Quinby: "Slow SNMP scan..."

    In testing the PROTOS SNMP test suite against snmpdx on Solaris 2.7,
    Counterpane has discovered that a variety of syslog messages are
    created.  Here's a summary of our results.  The raw data will be
    available from the Log Analysis Web site at
    within a day or two; in the meantime, please contact me directly
    and I'll email it to you.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Mike Batchelder 
    Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 12:31 PM
    To: Tina Bird
    In their original form, each of these messages is preceded by an "snmpdx:"
    service field. Some of the numbers in ()'s are just byte counts or other 
    stuff taken from the input, not specific error codes.  Essentially, these 
    are examples of many occurrences of each type of message, and the 
    occurrences have some different #'s depending on the test case.  
    Some stay the same.
    agent snmpd not responding
    SNMP error (UNKNOWN! (16777215), 0) sent back to
    SNMP error (badValue(3), 0) sent back to
    SNMP error (genErr(5), 16533) sent back to
    SNMP error (readOnly(4), 0) sent back to
    SNMP error (tooBig(1), 0) sent back to
    error while receiving a pdu from The message has a wrong version (65793)
    error while sending a pdu back to The buffer is too small
    error while sending a pdu to localhost.32789: The buffer is too small
    no variable in PDU received from
    session_open() failed for a pdu received from
    session_send_request() failed
    unable to handle SNMP request with more than 32 variables
    Agent snmpd appeared dead but responded to ping
    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service.
    For more information on this free incident handling, management 
    and tracking system please see:

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Fri Feb 15 2002 - 15:11:35 PST