Fwd: [suse-security] Port 13139 - attack?

From: JW (jwat_private)
Date: Sat Feb 16 2002 - 12:58:39 PST

  • Next message: Peter Johnson: "SNMP Scans 02/17/02"

    Forwarded from the SuSE-sec list -- I hope that's ok. If not, sorry.
    >I am getting a whole series of probes on port 13139 all of a sudden in my firewall log. 
    >This started out of the blue about 6 days ago.  There will be a string of them coming from
    >a multitude of different IP addresses within a matter of seconds (I would imagine spoofing
    >of the IPs from nmap or a similar tool).
    >Of course the SuSE firewall2 is dropping all of them, but they continue.
    >Has anyone else seen this happen recently.  Is there a new attack of some sort which is
    >directed to port 13139?  I have never noticed this specific port before with so many hits
    >and now it is starting to rival the old nimba entries in my logs.
    He mentioned in another post later that it's UDP.
    Jonathan Wilson
    System Administrator
    Cedar Creek Software     http://www.cedarcreeksoftware.com
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