Re: increase in ftp scanning

From: Baribault, Gary (garyat_private)
Date: Tue Mar 05 2002 - 05:40:33 PST

  • Next message: H C: "Re: Rcon trojan"

    I have gotten so many scans from and for FTP and 
    everything else under the sun that I have /dev/null'ed all their packets. I 
    sent many messages to their abuse@ and to the upstream, gotten many polite 
    replies about how they will take care of it just as soon as they have a 
    chance!! I find a new /24 every now and again.
    Just block them out! I've attached part of my ipchains.
    Gary B
    At 12:15 PM 3/4/2002 +0000, quentynat_private wrote:
    >Has any one else notice a huge increase in ftp scanning over the last
    >few weeks ( esp the last 2)
    >Normally I would expect to see 1 scan every few days, but in the last
    >few weeks it has been several each night
    >for example (this is from a host with no externally offered services)
    >Mar  2 15:14:46 TCP: ftp connection attempt from
    >Mar  2 16:42:48 TCP: ftp connection attempt from
    >Mar  2 16:42:51 TCP: ftp connection attempt from
    >Mar  2 16:42:57 TCP: ftp connection attempt from
    >Mar  2 16:43:09 TCP: ftp connection attempt from
    >Mar  2 17:00:54 TCP: ftp connection attempt from
    >Mar  2 20:40:42 TCP: ftp connection attempt from
    >Mar  2 22:15:53 TCP: ftp connection attempt from
    >is this warez kiddies looking for open share or script kiddies looking
    >for a vulnerable version of wuftp (or similar)?
    >Quentyn Taylor
    >Sysadmin - Fotango
    >`Naturally, a sysadmin's entire person is holy. We have the power to
    >kill daemons.'
    >    Mike Sphar
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