ssh exploit

From: Lee Evans (leeat_private)
Date: Thu Mar 14 2002 - 11:12:47 PST

  • Next message: Lee Evans: "Re: ssh exploit"

    Hash: SHA1
    HI - is anyone aware of any open-ssh exploits doing the rounds currently? I'm 
    running a fairly up to date version of openssh, although it probably is 
    vulnerable to this:
    A couple of boxes I look after seem to have been exploited in some manner, and 
    this is the only vulnerability I can find that they could be potentially 
    susceptible to - however, this looks to be a local-only exploit. I was made 
    aware of the problem by tripwire this morning, in that it notified me of a 
    change to /usr/sbin/sshd.
    The ssh daemons on the box were removed, and a bunch of new stuff was 
    installed - ./usr/local/sbin/sshd (a link to:)  /usr/local/sbin/sshd2 and 
    /usr/local/sbin/sshd-check-config. /usr/sbin/sshd (the original location) was 
    then changed to a symbolic link to the newly installed /usr/local/sbin/sshd2. 
    The new daemon no longer logs through syslog, and appears to open another TCP 
    port (1503). I'm still trying to work out exactly what's happened, though, so 
    thats about all the informaton I have for the moment. I have copies of the 
    seemingly trojaned binaries, if anybody wants them.
    Any information anyone can give me will be greatfully received. If i've missed 
    some important info, please say so...
    - -- 
    Lee Evans
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