From: McCammon, Keith (Keith.McCammonat_private)
Date: Fri Apr 05 2002 - 09:20:51 PST

  • Next message: Arnold, Jamie: "RE: I think I've been hacked...please help!"

    Certainly looks strange.  Can you tell us something about the infected
    host (OS, services, etc.)?  It's hard to tell how this is operating
    without that information.  It will also give us insight into whether
    this way have been a worm, virus infection, targeted compromise, etc.
    Also curious as to what information, if any, you have that leads you to
    believe that this may be a worm.  It's targets appear to be random (not
    generated by any obvious, calculated method), which may be coming from a
    list, or could be entered manually if someone has control of this box.
    Also, a quick spot check indicates that most of the destinations are FTP
    servers, all of which appear to be properly functioning as FTP servers
    (nothing else has taken over those ports).  Could just be a compromised
    host being used to scan for anon. FTP, etc.
    It also doesn't appear to be a DDoS, as you're really not hitting any
    single target with any amount of data.  And no agents appear to be
    running (first glance, anyway) on the targets.  I don't have NMAP
    capability outside of this network right now, so I can't check.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Eric Weaver [mailto:eric.weaverat_private]
    Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 10:00 AM
    To: Incidentsat_private
    Subject: POSSIBLE WORM / DDOS ? 
    Appears to be target port 21 and/or spreading via SMB.   This is all I
    right now:
    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service.
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