AIM Backdoor?

From: mikedat_private
Date: Mon Apr 08 2002 - 19:19:12 PDT

  • Next message: Eric Weaver: "Probes to previously accessed FTPs and UNCs in XP"

    Repost attempt, dunno why it didnt go through the first time.
    I have had AIM installed here at work for a while. While trying to repair
    the security zone settings on a users PC by comparing them to my own, I
    noticed that had been added to Internet Explorers "Trusted
    Sites" zone.
    If a simple minded user clicks one of the many "Free AOL and Unlimited
    Internet" icons on their system, or one of the 5,800 links to this domain
    that google turns up, AOL can run the code of their choice without
    Anyone care to verify my findings or find a CSS vulnerability on Does an employee of AOL care to comment?
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