Re: <victim>server exploit in the wild

From: Kee Hinckley (nazgulat_private)
Date: Mon Apr 15 2002 - 14:44:58 PDT

  • Next message: LAVELLE,MICHAEL (HP-PaloAlto,ex1): "Strange UDP Activity"

    At 1:02 PM -0700 4/15/02, Andrew Daviel wrote:
    >True, security through obscurity is not real security. But we're not
    >trying to block a determined person from sending one piece of mail, we're
    >trying to make it not worthwhile for automated abuse. Currently, many
    >formmail scripts are found by scanning for them, just by requesting
    >/cgi-bin/ As another correspondent pointed out, renaming
    >the thing to cgi-bin/ would thwart this.
    >While the script is known, and in a known place, the form is not, and
    >can have arbitrary structure, and be in an arbitrary place. To find these
    >in an automated fashion would require a search engine able to search
    >on HTML elements (rather than visible text). Then the hidden field
    >would have to be found (different for each site). This is somewhat
    >more complex than just trolling  for cgi-bin and would I think
    >deter most spammers.
    I think you are massively underestimating the determination of spam 
    software writers.  First of all, they certainly read these lists--so 
    they'll know about such approaches before you've even deployed your 
    solution.  Secondly, you are talking about people who think nothing 
    of stealing credit card numbers and using them to set up one-shot 
    accounts.  Last month a spammer who got shut down sent mail 
    threatening to rape my wife.  We aren't dealing with script kiddies. 
    We are more and more dealing with out and out criminals engaged in 
    theft of services and money.  Some of the people for whom they are 
    sending email may not be in that class, or realize what they are 
    supporting--but at the core are people who are dead serious about 
    this.  Making their job just a little bit harder is not going to be 
    What bothers me about your solution is something it has in common 
    with most anti-spam legislation.  You're looking at solving the 
    current problem.  What you need to *also* do is consider what the 
    spammer's reaction to your solution will be.  Let's assume that 
    everyone running formmail switches to a new version as you describe 
    *and* renames it.  (Not likely, you'd be amazed how many people don't 
    even rename the "webmasterat_private" email link in their 
    FrontPage template.)  You've just created a problem for the 
    spammer--you've closed a nice untraceable (or at least hard to trace) 
    spam venue.  Have you stopped them?  Of course not, they just have to 
    work a little harder.  The question is--where will they move next?
    In detail.
    1. Rename the form
    As you say, there are programs out there that just hit a site to find 
    out if it has formmail.  They do this because it's the fastest way to 
    find it.  However spammers also run spiders to find email addresses. 
    Those spiders *definitely* know how to read HTML (not to mention 
    hacks like "nazgul at").  How long would it take to 
    modify those spiders to find formmail scripts?  An hour maybe?
    2. Use a custom-per-site hidden field
    Is this custom per-isp, or custom per site?  If the former then you 
    might as well go back to hard coded config files--they are more 
    secure and no harder to administer.  If the latter, you've just made 
    life easier for the spammer.  But in any case, this is no harder than 
    the first problem.  Now when the spammer scans for formmail scripts 
    he also scans for the code.  In his database of formmail scripts he 
    now has to also store the code for each one.  I'll give that one four 
    hours of coding.
    3. Throttle the script
    Spammer then customizes software to play round robin with formmail 
    scripts instead of just using one at a time.  They already have 
    learned to randomize the recipient lists (some spam filters check for 
    alphabetically sorted addresses as an indicator that this may be 
    spam, and some mail servers block incoming messages if there are too 
    many bounces), so now they have to randomize the formmail usage. 
    I'll be generous and give that 8 hours of programming.
    4. Set a cookie with a webbug
    Ignoring the fact that this may block many modern browsers which 
    block webbugs from setting cookies, it just means that the spammer 
    needs to fetch an image (well, the headers of one) before calling the 
    script.  The info needs to go in the database (four hours) and the 
    code needs to be added to the spam software (four hours).
    So, for three days of coding a spammer now has a system that can 
    bypass your fix.  A month after ISPs have started installing it, it 
    starts to get broken.  Does the spam go as fast?  Nope.  But given 
    that my spam load appears to be doubling every year, I don't think 
    we've done much to slow that exponential curve.
    I'm sorry this comes across so bitter, but I'm currently bouncing 5-6 
    million pieces of spam every year--to accounts that do not, and have 
    never, existed.  I'm *very* worried about the unintended consequences 
    of half-way solutions.
    >The only other solution I can think of at the moment, would be to
    >give the HTML authors a private directory that they can write to - either
    >outside the Web directory, or password-protected.
    >The form script could then read the recipient list from a file
    >(directly, or over the net with a suitable client).
    >It would have to figure out the
    >filename from the referer, or from a hidden field.
    1. The ISP provides a password-protected form where the web 
    administrator can login and specify the valid recipients.  It updates 
    the config file for that site's version of formmail.  To break it, 
    the spammer needs to break the password.  You can further limit 
    damage by restricting the number of recipients, and the number of 
    changes that can be made within a certain amount of time.  Such a 
    script should of course ship with formmail, configured for multi-site 
    2. Have formmail look in a text file on the site for the list of 
    recipients, one per line.  Tell the web admin how to create the file. 
    (In some ways not as safe as #1).
    But let's back up a minute.  Fundamentally you're trying to fix a 
    tool that wasn't a good solution in the first place.  Forget form 
    mail, it's a lousy way to get data from a form to a client.  If it's 
    a "hello, how are you" message then an email link would have worked 
    better.  If it's data, then having the web admin cut and paste from 
    email to his database is painful and doesn't scale.
    3. Do what I do with my web clients.  When someone submits a form 
    it's stored in a comma-separated file and notification mail is sent 
    to a single email address (also configured via the admin interface). 
    The web admin can then come to the site and download the file into 
    their favorite database/spreadsheet whenever they want.
    Kee Hinckley - Somewhere.Com, LLC
    I'm not sure which upsets me more: that people are so unwilling to accept
    responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate
    everyone else's.
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