Re: HTTP CONNECT attempts

From: nexus-mailat_private
Date: Tue Apr 16 2002 - 23:27:12 PDT

  • Next message: Stephen: "Re: HTTP CONNECT attempts"

    DS> Morning,
    DS> need an advice. I've got more them 20 "HTTP CONNECT" IDS alerts (BugTraq id 4131) 
    DS> from 3 diff. sources for today and yesterday. Looks like some tool is out and people started to use it.
    DS> The only problem is: I don't understand why people are trying to use port 80 to connect to port 443 (which is usually open
    DS> to a world in my case).
    DS> Dmitri Smirnov, SSCP
    DS> Security Team
    DS> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    DS> This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service.
    DS> For more information on this free incident handling, management 
    DS> and tracking system please see:
    Ports like 80 and 443 are usually open, and caching server's ports are
    closed from outside. So, if you have mod_proxy enabled in your Apache
    (or something like that) webserver and do not have appropriate rules
    to prevent using of this feature, the intruder could pass throuh it.
    Squid, for example, have the rule that allows to connect only on SSL
    ports, that is 443 and (AFAIR) 563. But it is commented by default. So
    you could connect to your local mailer and send a spam from affected
    localhost (your acl usually includes your local addresses) and often
    _FROM_ localhost. That means bypassind any firewalling rule to an
    uncrypted or less guarded ports.
    Best regards,
     nexus-mail                            mailto:nexus-mailat_private
    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service.
    For more information on this free incident handling, management 
    and tracking system please see:

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