FW: exploited win2k box, not quite sure how:

From: Blake Frantz (blakeat_private)
Date: Mon May 20 2002 - 12:24:29 PDT

  • Next message: rulerpen: "Re: exploited win2k box, not quite sure how:"

    I doubt you will find anything if you Google for "TaGGed By Ca$e",
    that's the kiddie that compromised your host (and probably uploaded
    I would start by checking the patch levels of your IIS and SQL
    instances, both have remote vulns that yield system level access.
    Additionally, if your website accesses the SQL instance via online forms
    or queries it may be wise to check your IIS access logs for SQL
    insertion type attacks.  Also, check which directories your web root and
    ftp root point to, I've seen instances where directories were pointed
    in, well, odd places, with no limitation on access.
    As for your unopenable file, try putting the name of file in quotes:
    C:\>echo Hello > "Tagged By Ca$e"
    C:\>type "Tagged By Ca$e"
    If you find other directories that contain 'weird' filenames, try DIR
    /X.  This will add an addition column which provides the 8.3 name of the
    file or directory, use this name to reference your files.  If the file
    names contain POSIX reserved names such as com1, prn, etc you will have
    to refer to such files using "del \\.\c:\com1" format.  On a side note,
    DIR /Q will display the owner of the file/directory, this is helpful
    when trying to determine which account was compromised.  (i.e.
    IUSR_<computer_name> == IIS Vuln, Administrator == IIS, SQL, etc, user1
    == weak password, etc.)
    I've gone on long enough, hope this helps.
    Blake Frantz  A+, CNA, CCNA, MCSE
    Network Security Analyst
    720 Industrial Drive #121
    Cary, IL 60013
    phn: (847)-594-5111 x5734
    fax: (847)-639-0097
    -----Original Message-----
    From: John Jasen [mailto:jjasen1at_private] 
    Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 8:05 PM
    To: incidentsat_private
    Subject: exploited win2k box, not quite sure how:
    Got a wierd one here.
    Win2k server, SP2
    IIS 5.0
    SQL server 7
    ipswitch imail 6.x
    Its definitely been broken into. PC-cillian bas picked up a few nimda
    files, and there is a directory c:\tAGGEd with various subdirectories
    under it, and an unopenable file C:\TaGGed By Ca$e.
    I'm working on getting a disk image up for perusal, but that might take
    a few days.
    Anybody seen this yet? Searching securityfocus, McAfee, Google, and a
    few other places has come up dry.
    -- John E. Jasen (jjasen1at_private)
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    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service.
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