Yes, we're seeing it here at NYU too...the most recent info that I've seen on this is: Saturday, May 4th 2002 Large scale MSSQL scans. ================================================================ ======================== For the last few days, we received a number of reports of widespread scans of port 1433. The most common use of port 1433 is Microsoft's SQL server. Just this march, a vulnerability in SQL Server 7.0 and 2000 was shown to allow access to the the security context of the server ( Microsoft released and advisory and a patch for this problem. ( ) It has also been known that many administrators do not change the default password for the administrator account. SQL Server by default ships with no password set for this account ( ). -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tracey Losco Network Security Analyst securityat_private ITS - Network Services New York University (212) 998 - 3433 PGP Fingerprint: 8FFB FE47 6156 7BF0 B19E 462B 9DFE 51F5 At 10:33 AM -0400 5/21/02, Darrin Powell wrote: >Is anyone else seeing this? > > > > > > >Thanks >-- >Darrin Powell >System Administrator >LSSi, Corp. >(919) 466-6803 > > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------- >This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service. >For more information on this free incident handling, management >and tracking system please see: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service. For more information on this free incident handling, management and tracking system please see:
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