Re: Strange scan on 1433

From: Jason Robertson (jasonat_private)
Date: Tue May 21 2002 - 09:25:04 PDT

  • Next message: Blake Frantz: "RE: Strange scan on 1433"

    Here's an interesting article about it..
    On 21 May 2002 at 16:30, dr john halewood wrote:
    From:           	dr john halewood <johnat_private>
    Organization:   	unidentified sloths
    To:             	incidentsat_private
    Subject:        	Re: Strange scan on 1433
    Date sent:      	Tue, 21 May 2002 16:30:01 +0100
    Mailer:         	KMail [version 1.3.2]
    > On Tuesday 21 May 2002 2:38 pm, Pavel Lozhkin wrote:
    > > I got a lot of scans today on port 1433 from numerous nets (part of them
    > > are .jp and .kr, but not all)
    > > Does anyone know what they're looking for on the port ?
    > > I've never been scanned on the port before.
    >  I'm getting a lot of these as well. 1433 is the Microsoft SQL server port. 
    > There's a number of tools doing the rounds at the moment looking for the all 
    > too common ms-sql servers with blank sa (database admin) passwords, as well 
    > as a few that exploit vulnerabilities in unpatched servers.
    > cheers
    > john
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