Invalid TCP header flags

From: kyle.r.maxwellat_private
Date: Mon Jul 08 2002 - 13:22:21 PDT

  • Next message: Crist J. Clark: "Re: Invalid TCP header flags"

    We're seeing occasional TCP traffic with FIN-RST-ACK or FIN-PSH-RST-ACK set
    in the header. The strange part is that it's always set for port 110 (this
    is in fact a legitimate POP server). The traffic is observed inside the
    firewall; I don't have an IDS sensor outside.
    Could this just be port scanning, OS fingerprinting, a broken stack, or
    something else? I've googled around but haven't found too much useful info,
    other than to see that other folks have seen similar stuff.
    Kyle Maxwell
    InfoSec Engineer
    Global Security Operations Center
    Verizon International Security
    Office  - 972-929-1287
    Hotline - 972-929-1290
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