Packet suckers?

From: David Carmean (dlcat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 29 2002 - 12:53:04 PDT

  • Next message: Bukys, Liudvikas: "RE: scanning for HTTP proxies, ports 80, 81, 1080, 3128, 4480, 65 88, 8000, 8080, 8081"

    Any of y'all running packet suckers outside your filters to see 
    what the kidz are up to?  I've been playing with some patches 
    Hobbit made to tcp_wrappers, which sends telnet escapes to ask for 
    telnet environment variables, and various other strings to egg 
    on other clients.
    It's a little clunky to configure/use, though.  Wondering 
    if there are other packet sinks/suckers around for research 
    like this, or if most folks write their own?
    I'm really not a programmer, but I'm contemplating trying to 
    hack LaBrea to do this kind of stuff before it optionally 
    tries to capture and hold the connection.
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