Re: IIS Using Port 1843

From: Jean-Baptiste Marchand (Jean-Baptiste.Marchandat_private)
Date: Tue Oct 01 2002 - 01:29:20 PDT

  • Next message: Axel Pettinger: "Re: Unusual volume: UDP:137 probes"

    Matt Barton <mattat_private> wrote:
    > We have a server that has been experiencing some odd behavior.  It is
    > running Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Service Pack 2 with IIS 5.  So far
    > twice inetinfo.exe has stopped for no reason.  In trying to investigate
    > the issue, I ran fport and noticed that inetinfo.exe was bound to port
    > 1843/tcp, which seems very odd to me.
    > Searches on Google have not revealed anything useful (other than some
    > information on how that port is used with some Netopia products).
    When started, IIS 5 registers RPC services. These RPC services can be
    reached, among other protocol sequences, via TCP/IP.
    TCP and UDP Ports allocated to RPC services are dynamic and can be found
    using the endpoint mapper (portmapper) RPC service, running on port 135
    (in case of DCE/RPC, the RPC standard implemented on Windows systems).
    If you want to check if a given port is used by RPC services, you can
    use a program that asks for all registered RPC services. This kind of
    programs are typically named rpcdump.
    In the output of rpcdump, you will find that the same RPC service is
    reachable via different protocol sequences (typically, ncalrpc (local
    RPC), ncacn_np (named pipes, carried in SMB/CIFS), ncacn_ip_tcp
    (TCP/IP) or ncadg_ip_udp (UDP/IP)). 
    In IIS 5, the named pipe \pipe\inetinfo is the endpoint of ncacn_np
    protocol sequences for IIS RPC services. 
    On a test system (IIS5 under Windows 2000, with HTTP and SMTP services),
    the rcpdump output filtered to show only IIS RPC services on
    ncacn_ip_tcp and ncadg_ip_udp is:
    C:\WINNT>rpcdump -p ncacn_ip_tcp 
    IfId: 82ad4280-036b-11cf-972c-00aa006887b0 version 2.0
    UUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Binding: ncacn_ip_tcp:[1027]
    IfId: 82ad4280-036b-11cf-972c-00aa006887b0 version 2.0
    UUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Binding: ncacn_np:\\\\FENETRE-2K-DFLT[\\PIPE\\INETINFO]
    IfId: 8cfb5d70-31a4-11cf-a7d8-00805f48a135 version 3.0
    UUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Binding: ncacn_ip_tcp:[1027]
    IfId: 8cfb5d70-31a4-11cf-a7d8-00805f48a135 version 3.0
    UUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Binding: ncacn_np:\\\\FENETRE-2K-DFLT[\\PIPE\\INETINFO]
    IfId: bfa951d1-2f0e-11d3-bfd1-00c04fa3490a version 1.0
    UUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Binding: ncacn_ip_tcp:[1027]
    IfId: bfa951d1-2f0e-11d3-bfd1-00c04fa3490a version 1.0
    UUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Binding: ncacn_np:\\\\FENETRE-2K-DFLT[\\PIPE\\INETINFO]
    IfId: bfa951d1-2f0e-11d3-bfd1-00c04fa3490a version 1.0
    UUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Binding: ncacn_np:\\\\FENETRE-2K-DFLT[\\PIPE\\SMTPSVC]
    IfId: bfa951d1-2f0e-11d3-bfd1-00c04fa3490a version 1.0
    UUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Binding: ncadg_ip_udp:[1028]
    As names of named pipes are quite explicit (inetinfo, smtpsvc), they can
    be used to find the IfId of RPC services. Once you've found the
    interface identifier of a given RPC service, you can look for
    ncacn_ip_tcp and ncadg_ip_udp endpoints to find TCP and UDP ports.
    Another method to determine if a given port is allocated to RPC service
    is to ask directly what interface identifiers are supported on this
    endpoint. Programs to achieve this are typically named ifids. 
    For example, in your case, you could use the following command:
      ifids -p ncacn_ip_tcp -e 1843 ip_adress_of_your_server
    If the command returns a list of interface identifiers, it confirms that
    the port is used by RPC services. In the list, you should find one (or
    more) interface identifiers of IIS RPC Services. 
    If you are running Windows, you can try Todd Sabin's rpctools
    suite (it contains rpcdump and ifids):

    If you are running Unix, latest version of Dave Aitel's SPIKE toolkit
    contains dcedump (equivalent of rpcdump) and ifids:

    Finally, if you are familiar with french, you can take a look at this
    article that describes the technical details of the different network
    services on Windows systems:

    Hope this helps, 
    Jean-Baptiste Marchand
    Hervé Schauer Consultants
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